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Did you know that too much of ANYTHING – even good things – can be deadly?!?!

It has always been a mystery to me as to why something that is beneficial for the body can be hazardous to that same body if consumed in large amounts. It would seem logical to believe that anything that is good would be even better in a greater quantity. But the fact is, anything taken in excess proves fatal – not helpful!

One of the beneficial elements for the human body that can be deadly in excessive amounts is salt. While sodium is profitable to the body in small measures, over-consumption of sodium chloride can cause hypertension leading to high blood pressure. The elevation in blood pressure can cause complications with the heart that will result in death if left unchecked.

Salt has many beneficial qualities: flavor, preservation, and healing to name a few. In the right balance, salt indeed is a good thing. This is why God said that His people are “the salt of the earth” (see Matthew 5:13). When we Christians behave in a godly manner, we can add flavor to life, we can bring healing to the hurting, and we can preserve that which has been committed unto God until His return. However, too much of a good thing can prove disastrous.

Have you ever been around those kind of Christians that are so loud and “in your face” they make you want to scream? Have you encountered believers who are so “in the clouds” with their faith that they no longer affect the world positively because they are too out of touch with it? I am sure that immediately a few faces flashed across your mind. Obnoxious, in-your-face Christians are more of a turn off than anything else. They hinder the faith more than they help it. You know exactly what I am talking about.

Sometimes I think the devil uses “Christianity” as a ploy to derail the unsaved. What I mean by that is: Satan knows all too well that anything in excess is a burden, not a blessing. I believe he deceives many well-meaning Christians and lures them into a place of obnoxisity because of the turn off they will become. Unaware of his tactics, unsuspecting believers become pawns in his hands. Immediately I am reminded of the slave girl in Acts chapter sixteen. We read her story in verses sixteen through nineteen. She followed Paul and Silas around the city proclaiming, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” What she said was truth. However, the “annoyance” (as stated in vs 18) of her proclamation was motivated by demons. The truth she spoke was nullified by the ‘noise’. ((It is true that this slave girl was demon possessed and true Christians are not; however, the demonic inspiration is the same when the desired result benefits the kingdom of darkness rather than the Kingdom of Light.))

Friends, I want to encourage you to be sure that you are sensitive to the Spirit of God and that you are following His lead in how you publicly declare your faith. Coming on too strong – being an annoyance – will override the truth of your message and be a turn off and hindrance to the very ones you are trying to reach. Too much salt is deadly. Follow God’s leading on how much is enough.