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“…And the government will be upon His shoulder.” – Isaiah 9:6

This prophetic word given through the prophet Isaiah concerning the coming of the Messiah was very encouraging to the Israelites. They had experienced major problems with some of their kings and had gotten themselves into big trouble with God. Now, there was a promise of a new King who would come and rule and lead them back into victory and right relation with God.

You know, God had wanted to be King all along. He was not happy about the request Israel had made to have a king over them. Their request had come because they wanted to be like the nations around them and this thing greatly displeased God. He wanted to be their King, He wanted to lead and guide them and keep them in a victorious state of being. He wanted rule and reign in their lives.

How about you, my friend? What “king” has dominion in your life? What things or people are ruling in your life and controlling you? The Messiah (a new King) in fact did come, born to a virgin, and “government” belongs to Him? Is He rightfully on the throne of your life?